Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Poopens had a super great Christmas!  He loves his new toy.  He is a little sad that there is no longer gifts to pee on : ( Poor Poopens!  He is also loving that I have a ton of time off from the school, we have had lots of cuddle time.  I had to buy a new comforter due to Poopens constant peeing on my fancy one and I was tired of dry cleaning it, I bought one that was machine washable!  It's a good thing I love him so much. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I know I know..

I am a horrible blogger!  I have taken forever to put up a new post.  I suck.  But Poopens is a cute as ever and he has this week and next and then he is done with puppy school!  He knows how to sit, lay down, and stay!  We are working on come and he is very close.  Of course he is supposed to know like a billion more but he is a slow learner.  I am just excited he is getting it!  For your viewing pleasure here is an super cute pict of my little Poopens.  That's right, he's rockin' his Snuggie.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day two of obedience school

Well, he is Poopens.  And now he will be going to the smaller class on Fridays.  He attacked a very large collie for no reason at all.  The collie was fine and all Poopens got was a mouth full of fur.  He barked a lot and pooped in class.  But his name is Poopens so, I'm just sayin'.  But he is doing so well at sitting on command!  We still need a treat but he will do it with his "sit " sign!  I am so excited for him, such a smart boy!

The Laundry Basket

So we were folding laundry and suddenly the laundry basket was so scary!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Poopens in the morning!

Look at him! I love him! He is totally awake and waiting for me to rub his belly, you can see it in his eyes!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Poopen goes to obedience school!

Today was Poopens first day of obedience school.  I think he did okay.  When we introduced ourselves the instructor informed the class that he was special and was afraid of men and big dogs.  So when he growled and barked at them they didn't seem offended.  But she also informed me that if he had this problem next week she will put him in a smaller class and if that doesn't work he gets private lessons. 
We worked on "eye contact" and "sit", the rest of the class worked with the clicker on the same things.  He got eye contact pretty good!  But when I moved the treat over his head to get him to sit he just backed up, never quite got it.  That is our homework for the week!!!  I will let you know how next week goes!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Poopens goes for a drive!

Poopens just loves to go for a cruise, he has never even been pulled over!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

He was so confused!

So tonight Poopens was sleeping horizontal to my legs, next to me on the couch while I enjoyed Wipeout.  His little head was starting to slowly slide off the cushion of the couch.  He woke up and continued to slide off, he does this often so I was not worried.  Today was different, while sliding he got his front legs on the floor.  And then he stopped.  His little chicken legs where laying straight as a board next to me and he turned his head around to look a them.  Then it hit me that he wasn't sure how to get his legs down.  His face said, "Hey!  Hey Mom, my legs are stuck!" I of course started laughing at my poor special Poopens and was laughing so hard I was having a hard time helping him.  THIRTY seconds later it occured to him that if he kept walking his back legs would eventually catch up with him.  It is a good thing he is do darn CUTE!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Poopens and his best friend!

Today Poopens got to play with his best friend Bisko! Bisko is my sisters puggle, it's what you get when you put a pug and a beagle together, mix and bake for 30 minutes.  Poopen loves Bisko! He gets so excited when he sees her, his eyes even buldge out a little. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Poopens VS. The Bath Poofy

This is what happens when Poopens gets a hold of my bath poofy!  Oh Poopens!  The best part of the video is the very end!

Monday, September 6, 2010

The History of Poopens

Poopens first owner was a veterinarian, she saved him when he was going to be put to sleep as a baby because he was born deaf and with water on his brain which caused him to have different behaviors and he needed more care.  She named him Chance because he was given a second chance at life.  She was a fantastic Mom for him but after a few monthes her soon to be ex-husband took him and abused him to get revenge on her.  She got him back and found him a new home, but that new home was unprepared to take care of him.  He was kept in a chicken coop because he kept running away, they had many dogs and when it came to meal time it was survival of the fittest and well Chance lost.  The current owner realized they couldn't care for him and they found my family!  We called him Puppy when we first got him, he was 8 monthes old and we couldn't think of a name.  When we got him you could see every bone in his body.  We had to feed him separate from the other dogs for a while due to him growling and fighting for food.  Because of his new constant food supply he pooped a lot!!  All over!! So his named morphed from Puppy to Poopy.  I thought Poopy was not a very nobel name so it was officially changed to Sir Poopenstein III, much more regal.  He is now 3 years old and LOVES LIFE!!! He is so adorable!  I thought I should share him awesomeness with the world!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

So here he is! He just woke up for the day, if he ran the world we would never get out of bed. 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sir Poopenstein III has a blog!!!

After many requests I have made Sir Poopenstein III (aka Poopens) his own blog!  As soon as possible I will post pictures and videos of his adorableness, you will see favorites such as Poopens running in circles, howling at his imaginary people, and running from forks.
Today he spent time with his best friend Bisko (aka his babysitter), I am sure she will have many cameos on his blog.